//white-labeling company_url = "http://www.goautodial.com/" portal_title = "GOautodial Inc." dashboard_sub-header = "Welcome to GOautodial Inc. !" // DASHBOARD home = "Home" your_creamy_dashboard = "Your Creamy dashboard" notifications = "Notifications" tasks = "Tasks" telephony = "Telephony" campaigns = "Campaigns" campaign_management = "Campaign Management" call_recordings = "Call Recordings" play_call_recording = "Play Call Recording" download_call_recording = "Download Call Recording" call_recordings_management = "Call Recordings Management" crm = "C . R . M" contacts = "Contacts" crm_title = "Customer Relationship Management" call_recordings = "Call Recordings" list_management = "List Management" contacts_call_recordings_management = "Contacts & Call Recordings Management" // MUSIC ON HOLD music_on_hold = "Music on Hold" music_on_hold_management = "Music on Hold Management" voice_files = "Voice Files" voice_files_management = "Play Voice Files" audiofiles = "Audio Files" audiofiles_management = "Audio Files Management" support = "Support" call_reports = "Call Reports" admin_logs = "Admin Logs" call_times = "Call Times" call_times_management = "Call Times Management" carriers = "Carriers" carriers_management = "Carriers Management" // SYSTEM SETTINGS system_settings = "System Settings" user_groups_management = "User Group Management" voice_mails = "Voice Mails" voice_mails_management = "Voice Mail Management" reports_and_go_analytics = "Reports & GO Analytics" admin_logs = "Admin Logs" messages = "Messages" new = "new" see_more = "See more" see_customer = "See customer" read_message = "Read message" customer = "Customer" contact = "Contact" customers = "Customers" contacts = "Contacts" load_leads = "Load Leads" see_all = "See all" getting_started = "Getting Started with Creamy (click + to show)" customer_statistics = "Customer statistics" messaging_system = "Messaging System" message = "Message" subject = "Subject" send = "Send" name = "Name" email = "Email" phone = "Phone" home_phone = "Home phone" mobile_phone = "Mobile phone" id_number = "ID number" creation_date = "Creation date" status = "Status" role = "Role" action = "Action" selection = "Selection" favorite = "Favorite" user = "User" date = "Date" unable_get_user_list = "Oups! It seems there was a problem retrieving the list of users. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact the administrator." unable_get_customer_list = "Oups! It seems there was a problem retrieving the list of customers. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact the administrator." unable_get_messages = "Oups! It seems there was a problem retrieving your messages. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact the administrator." no_messages_in_list = "This folder is empty." no_users_in_list = "The list of users seems to be emtpy. Why don't you create one now?" no_customers_in_list = "The list of customers seems to be emtpy. Why don't you create one now?" enabled = "Enabled" disabled = "Disabled" administrator = "Administrator" manager = "Manager" writer = "Writer" reader = "Reader" guest = "Guest" disable = "Disable" enable = "Enable" choose_action = "Choose action" edit_data = "Edit data" change_password = "Change password" delete_user = "Delete user" access_denied = "Access denied" you_dont_have_permission = "You don't have permission for accessing this content." warning = "Warning!" error = "Error" error_getting_message = "Error retrieving message" unable_get_message = "Oups! It seems there was a problem retrieving your message. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator." exit = "Exit" you_have = "You have" you_have_a_new = "You have a new" unread_messages = "Unread messages" see_all_messages = "See all messages" see_all_notifications = "See all notifications" see_all_tasks = "See all tasks" pending_tasks = "Pending tasks" nice_to_see_you_again = "Nice to see you again." my_profile = "My profile" administration = "Administration" users = "Users" hello = "Hello" online = "Online" no_name = "No name" no_subject = "No subject" no_message = "No message" send_this_message_to = "send this message to..." from = "from" to = "to" event = "Event" no_notifications_today = "There are no new notifications today" no_notifications_past_week = "There are no new notifications for the past week" past_week = "Past week" second = "sec" minute = "min" hour = "hour" day = "day" week = "week" month = "month" year = "year" users_management = "Users management" new_user = "New user" optional = "Optional" password = "Password" repeat_password = "Repeat password" user_avatar = "User picture" choose_image = "Choose a image file with .jpg, .png or .gif extension. Max allowed size is 2MB." user_role = "User role" create_user = "Create user" messaging_system = "Messaging system" insert_new_password = "Insert your new password" insert_new_password_again = "Insert your new password again" cancel = "Cancel" accept = "Accept" customer_list = "Customer list" add_to = "Add to" customers_and_contacts_management = "Contacts and customers management" personal_data_edition = "Edition of contact data" modify = "Modify" insert_new_data = "Insert the new data" mandatory = "Mandatory" customer_or_service_type = "Type of customer or service provided" address = "Address" city = "City" state = "State" zip_code = "ZIP code" country = "Country" notes = "Notes" marital_status = "Marital status" single = "Single" married = "Married" divorced = "Divorced" separated = "Separated" widow = "Widow/er" choose_an_option = "Choose an option" male = "Male" gender = "Gender" female = "Female" birthdate = "Birthdate" do_not_send_email = "Do not send emails to this person" delete = "Delete" edit_user_data = "Edit user data" edit_user = "Edit user" not_permission_edit_user_information = "Oups! It seems you don't have permission for editing the information of this user. Unless you are an administrator, you can only edit your own profile data." unknown_error = "Oups! An unknown error happened. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact the administrator." unable_get_admin_credentials = "Unable to set admin credentials. Please fill all the values, including name and email, make sure that passwords match and try again." unable_get_database_credentials = "Unable to get database credentials. Installation will not continue." error_setting_db_tables = "There was an error setting up the basic database tables" database_not_set = "Database not set." unable_set_statistics = "Warning: I was unable to set the customers statistics process for the CRM." is_already_installed = "is already installed" oups = "Error in Processing Request!" another_installation_creamy = "It seems there is another installation of Creamy running in this place. If you want to drop this installation and start over, you should remove the database and then delete the file installed.txt." back_to_creamy = "Back to Creamy" installation_step_1_title = "Step 1. Accessing the database." installation_step_2_title = "Step 2. Administrator account." installation_step_3_title = "Step 3. Define customer and contact groups." welcome = "Welcome!" welcome_to = "Welcome to " installation_process_steps = "The installation process will guide you through some simple steps to install and customize your CRM. Let's start!" database = "Database" your_crm_needs_a_database = "The CRM needs a connection with a database. Thus, first you need to create a MySQL database and a user with permissions to that database. Then fill the following fields with the database credentials:" installation_warning = "WARNING: The installation process will delete any previous installation of Creamy. Please make sure you backup all important information from the database first." database_host = "Database host name (or localhost)" database_name = "Name of the database" database_user = "Database user" database_password = "Password for the database user" detected_timezone = "Choose your timezone:" awesome = "Awesome!" database_access_checked = "We have successfully checked the database credentials. Now we need to setup the main administrator account for your Creamy installation. You will be able to create more users later, besides modifying the information you enter now for this account." admin_user_name = "Name for the admin user" admin_user_password = "Password for the admin user" admin_user_password_again = "Password for the admin user (again)" admin_user_email = "Email of the admin user" perfect = "Perfect!" finished = "Finished" lets_define_customers = "Now let's define the different groups of people your CRM will manage. We have set an initial structure by default: contacts and customers. Contacts are your potential clients, those who may turn into customers in the future, whereas customers are those who are already your clients. If you need to set different groups of customers, you can do it by selecting the option below and filling the names for your customer groups." contacts_and_clients_ok = "Contacts and customers seem right for me." i_want_to_define_groups = "I prefer to define my groups of customers and contacts myself." contacts_predefined = "contacts (predefined)" customer_group = "Customer group" everythings_ready = "Everything's ready!" ready_to_start_creamy = "Everything's ready to start using your CRM. Please click 'Start using Creamy' to be redirected to the login page, where you can enter the admin user credentials to start using Creamy. We hope you enjoy it!" start_using_creamy = "Start using Creamy" never_heard_of_creamy = "Never heard of Creamy? You can learn about it here:" invalid_login_password = "Invalid login or password. Please try again." insert_valid_login_password = "Please, insert a valid login and password." system_access = "System access" access = "Access" forgotten_password = "Forgotten password?" click_here = "Click here" insert_valid_address = "Please, insert a valid email address" error_sending_recovery_email = "There was an error sending your password reset email. Please make sure that the email address actually belongs to a user and try again." recovery_email_sent = "A password reset email has been sent to" please_check_email = "Please, check that you have received it and click on the provided link." reset_password = "Reset password" have_you_lost_your_password = "Have you lost your password? Enter the email associated with your user and we will send you a link to generate a new one." my_messages = "My messages" inbox = "Inbox" sent = "Sent" favorites = "Favorites" trash = "Trash" new_message = "New message" folders = "Folders" mark_as_read = "Mark as read" mark_as_unread = "Mark as unread" mark_as_favorite = "Mark as favorite" send_to_trash = "Send to trash" recover_from_trash = "Recover from trash" latest_events_news = "Latest events and news" password_reset_successfully = "Your password has been successfully reset. Now you can access Creamy with your new password." password_reset_error = "Oups! It seems there was an error reseting your password. Please, contact the administrator." passwords_dont_match = "Passwords don't match of empty. Please, try again." manage_your_time = "Manage your time" unfinished_tasks = "Unfinished tasks" completed_tasks = "Completed tasks" new_task = "New task" task_description = "Task description" assign_this_task_to = "Assign this task to..." create_task = "Create task" modify_task = "Modify task" modify_task_description = "Modify task description" insert_new_description = "Insert the new description for the task and push the 'modify task' button." new_description = "New description" unable_change_password = "I was unable to change your password. Please check that you entered your old password correctly. Have you forgotten your password? Contact the administrator." error_changing_password ="An error occurred changing the password. Please, try again." some_fields_missing = "Unable to process the request. Some fields where missing or empty." unable_modify_task = "Unable to modify task. Please contact the administrator". unable_create_customer = "Unable to create the customer or contact. Please check that data is valid and there is not another user with that same name already." unable_create_user = "Unable to create the user. " unable_create_task = "Unable to create task. Please contact the administrator" image_file_too_large = "The size of the image file is too large. Max allowed size is 2MB." image_file_wrong_type = "Only image files of extension .jpg, .png or .gif are allowed, sorry." image_file_is_not_image = "The file provided for the user's profile picture is not an image file." unable_generate_user_image = "I was unable to create the user: an error occurred while generating the user's profile picture. Please, try again later." user_already_exists = "This user name or email already exists. Please choose another." user_successfully_created = "User successfully created. You can create another right away or exit." success = "Success!" error_creating_user = "It seems an error occurred while creating the user" create_new = "Create new" create = "Create" unable_delete_customer = "I was unable to delete the customer. Please try again later." unable_delete_messages = "I was unable to delete the messages. Please try again later." unable_delete_task = "I was unable to delete the task. Please try again later." unable_delete_user = "I was unable to delete the user. Please try again later." unable_set_favorites = "I was unable to mark the messages as favorites. Please try again later." unable_set_read = "I was unable to mark the messages as read. Please try again later." unable_set_unread = "I was unable to mark the messages as unread. Please try again later." password_successfully_changed = "Password was successfully changed." insert_old_password = "Insert your old password" unable_modify_customer = "Unable to modify customer. Please, contact the administrator." unable_modify_user = "Unable to modify user. Please, contact the administrator." unable_send_message = "I was unable to send the message. Please try again later." unable_set_user_status = "I was unable to set the status of the user. Please contact the administrator." error_storing_statistics = "There was an error that prevented statistics from being stored on date " error_accessing_task_data = "There was an error accessing the information about the task. Please try again later." out_of = "out of" messages_sent_trash = "messages successfully sent to trash" messages_recovered_trash = "messages successfully recovered from the trash" data_successfully_modified = "Data successfully modified" error_modifying_data = "Error modifying data" customer_successfully_deleted = "Customer successfully deleted" message_successfully_deleted = "Message successfully deleted" message_successfully_sent = "Message successfully sent" new_contact_added = "New contact added" unable_create_triggers = "I was unable to create the event triggers for the user notifications. The database user must have permissions for creating the triggers." start = "Start" choose_language = "Choose a language for Creamy:" you_dont_have_pending_tasks = "You don't have any pending task at this moment." you_dont_have_completed_tasks = "You don't have any completed task at this moment." you_dont_have_pending_events = "You don't have any event at this moment." today = "Today" access_creamy = "Access Creamy" settings = "Settings" main_system_admin = "Main system administrator" modules = "Modules" module_management = "Module management" enable_modules = "Enable modules" enable_statistics = "Enable statistics" general_settings = "General settings" unable_delete_main_admin = "I was unable to delete the user. The main admin user's account cannot be deleted." settings_successfully_changed = "Settings successfully changed" error_changing_settings = "An error happened while changing the settings. Please try again later." error_accessing_database = "Error accessing the database." customer_types = "Customer types" unable_delete_customer_type = "Unable to delete customer type. Please try again later." unable_delete_contacts_type = "Unable to delete customer type. Contacts type cannot be deleted." edit_customer_type = "Edit customer type" enter_new_name_customer_type = "Enter a new name for this type of customer." error_editing_customer_name = "Error editing customer name." new_customer_group = "New customer group" unable_add_customer_group = "Unable to add new customer group." update = "Update" crm_update_available = "There is a new version of Creamy available. Please, update now." crm_update_impossible = "This version of Creamy is not up-to-date, but an update is not possible with the current version." crm_up_to_date = "Creamy is up-to-date. No updating required." version = "Version" crm_update = "Creamy Update" results = "Results" crm_update_succeed = "Update was successful. Enjoy using Creamy!" crm_update_failed = "Update failed. Please review the log and inform the developer." description = "Description" not_implemented = "Not implemented" uninstall = "Uninstall" unable_enable_module = "An error happened while trying to enable the module. Please try again." unable_disable_module = "An error happened while trying to disable the module. Please try again." error_loading_module = "Error loading module" unable_load_module_content = "An error happened while trying to load the main content of the module. I was unable to find the selected module, or it does not allow any content display. Please, contact the author." module_settings = "Module settings" save = "Save" unable_configure_module = "An error happened while configuring the settings of the module. Please, contact the author."; module_settings_updated = "Module settings successfully updated" menu = "Menu" attachment = "Attachment" attachments = "Attachments" unknown = "Unknown" write_your_message_here = "Write your message here..." compose_new_message = "Compose new message" back_to_inbox = "Back to inbox" max = "Max." discard = "Discard" external_message_recipients = "External message recipients (optional)" you_must_choose_user = "You must choose a user to send the message to" base_url = "Base URL" original_message_from = "Original message from" new_contacts = "New contacts" new_customers = "New customers" current_customer_distribution = "Current customer distribution" username_or_email = "Username or email" sign_in = "Sign in to start your session" want_to_try_again = "Would you like to try again?" not_looking_for = "Not what you are looking for?" password_recovery_title = "Password recovery" password_recovery_text = "This email has been sent to you because someone (presumably you) asked to reset the password for Creamy. Please, use the link below in order to complete this process. This link is only valid for the next twenty-four hours. If you not request this, you may disregard this email." password_recovery_button = "Reset my password." new_task_title = "You have a new task" new_task_description = "You have been assigned a new task \"taskdescription\" by the user \"username\". You can see this task by login in to Creamy and selecting \"tasks\" in the sidebar menu, or directly by clicking on this link:" new_task_button = "See task" events = "Events" create_new_event = "Create new event" event_name = "Event name" unassigned_events = "Unassigned events" color = "Color" contact_reminder_for = "Contact reminder for " event_properties = "Event properties" all_day = "All day" specific_time = "Specific time" duration = "Duration" minutes = "minutes" hours = "hours" days = "days" unable_create_event = "An error happened while creating the event. Please, try again later or contact the author." unable_modify_event = "An error happened while modifying the event. Please, try again later or contact the author." event_programmed_today = "You have an event programmed for today: " see_event = "See event" create_reminder_event = "New contact event" insert_new_data = "Insert the new data" move_to = "Move to " activate_account_title = "Activate your account!" activate_account_text = "You have been granted a user account at Creamy, the open source CRM. In order to activate your new account, please visit the link below. This activation link will be valid for the next 24 hours." activation_account_failed = "I was unable to activate your user account. Please contact the Creamy administrator." activation_account_succeed = "Your account was successfully activated. Now you can access Creamy by entering your credentials at the login page." congratulations = "Congratulations!" confirmation_email_enabled = "Warning: email confirmation for new user accounts is enabled. This means that the user will receive an email with a confirmation link that must be clicked in the next 24 hours in order to activate the account. Please make sure that you can send emails from PHP with your current server configuration before creating a new user with this setting, or disable email confirmation for new accounts here." confirmation_email_disabled = "Email confirmation for new user accounts is disabled. The newly created user will be able to login with the given credentials immediately after its creation." choose_theme = "Choose theme" require_confirmation_email = "Confirm new user creation by email" custom_company_logo = "Custom company logo" company_name = "Company name" event_for_today = "Event for today" you_have_an_event = "You have a pending event for today: " send_event_email = "Send email to inform of important calendar events" enable_creamy_events = "Enable Creamy events!" creamy_events_description = "In order to benefit from Creamy most powerful features (like customers statistics and email notifications for events) you need to add a cronjob to allow creamy to schedule regular tasks. Please, copy and paste this line into your crontab file or into your cronjob:"; dont_know_cronjob = "Lost? Don't know what this cronjob thing means? Here is a simple explanation." hourly = "Hourly" daily = "Daily" weekly = "Weekly" monthly = "Monthly" min_event_frequency = "Min scheduled jobs frequency" website = "Website" no_customers_yet = "It seems you don't have any customers registered right now, why don't you add one now?" no_statistics_yet = "It seems we don't have any statistical data yet. Statistics about your customers are collected every week by default. More than a week has passed and still no data in here? Please, make sure the job scheduler task for Creamy is properly scheduled for execution." you_need_to_update = "It seems that the current version of Creamy you are using has not been updated to work properly. Please, update Creamy right now so you can get the most out of it. It's just a matter of seconds..." see_details = "See details" myself = "myself" delete_events = "Delete events" drop_here_delete = "Delete an event by dragging it FROM THE CALENDAR and dropping it here" unable_delete_event = "There was an error while deleting the event. please, try again later or contact the administrator." calls = "Calls" call_logs = "Logs" new_call = "New call" multi-tenant = "Multi-Tenant" chat = "Chat" osticket = "OS Ticket" dashboard_display = "Allow Dashboard View" reportsanalytics_display = "Allow Reports & GO Analytics View" recordings_display = "Allow Recording View" support_display = "Enable Support" tenant_display = "Read" tenant_logs = "Admin Logs" tenant_calltimes = "Call Times" tenant_phones = "Phones" tenant_voicemails = "Voicemails" dashboard_todays_status = "Today's Status" dashboard_account_info = "Account Info" dashboard_agent_lead_status = "Agent Lead Status" dashboard_server_settings = "Server Settings" dashboard_go_analytics = "GO Analytics" dashboard_system_service = "System Service" dashboard_cluster_status = "Cluster Status" reportsanalytics_statistical_display = "Statistical Report" reportsanalytics_agent_time_display = "Agent Time Detail" reportsanalytics_agent_performance_display = "Agent Performance Detail" reportsanalytics_dial_status_display = "Dial Status Summary" reportsanalytics_agent_sales_display = "Sales Per Agent" reportsanalytics_sales_tracker_display = "Sales Tracker" reportsanalytics_inbound_call_display = "Inbound Call Report" reportsanalytics_export_call_display = "Export Call Report" reportsanalytics_dashboard_display = "Dashboard" reportsanalytics_advance_script_display = "Advance Script" servers = "Servers" prompt = "Prompt" ip_address = "IP Address" date_and_time = "Date & Time" details = "Details" sql_query = "SQL Query" sales = "Sales" sales_monitoring = "Realtime Sales Monitoring" total_sales = "Total Sales" inbound_sales = "Inbound Sales" outbound_sales = "Outbound Sales" in_sale = "In Sales / Hour" out_sale = "Out Sales / Hour" // DEFAULT DISPOSITIONS N = "No Answer" NA = "No Answer Autodial" A = "Answering Machine" AA = "Answering Machine Auto" DROP = "Agent Not Available" B = "Busy" NEW = "New Lead" A = "Answering Machine" AA = "Answering Machine Auto" AB = "Busy Auto" ADC = "Disconnected Number Auto" AFAX = "Fax Machine Auto" AFTHRS = "Inbound After Hours Drop" AL = "Answering Machine Msg Played" AM = "Answering Machine Sent to Mesg" B = "Busy" CALLBK = "Call Back" CBHOLD = "Call Back Hold" DC = "Disconnected Number" DEC = "Declined Sale" DNC = "DO NOT CALL" DNCL = "DO NOT CALL Hopper Match" DROP = "Agent Not Available" ERI = "Agent Error" INCALL = "Lead Being Called" N = "No Answer" NA = "No Answer AutoDial" NANQUE = "Inbound No Agent No Queue Drop" NEW = "New Lead" NI = "Not Interested" NP = "No Pitch No Price" PM = "Played Message" PU = "Call Picked Up" QCFAIL = "QC_FAIL_CALLBK" QUEUE = "Lead To Be Called" QVMAIL = "Queue Abandon Voicemail Left" SALE = "Sale Made" SVYEXT = "Survey sent to Extension" SVYHU = "Survey Hungup" SVYREC = "Survey sent to Record" SVYVM = "Survey sent to Voicemail" TIMEOT = "Inbound Queue Timeout Drop" XDROP = "Agent Not Available IN" XFER = "Call Transferred" are_you_sure = "Are you sure?" action_cannot_be_undone = "This action cannot be undone" campaign_dial_status_succesfully_updated = "Campaign Dial Status Successfully Updated" something_went_wrong = "Something went wrong while processing your request." new_status_successfully_added = "New Status Successfully Added" cancelled = "Cancelled" cancel_msg = "No action has been done" cancel_please = "No, Cancel Please" active = "Active" inactive = "Inactive" go_yes = "Yes" go_no = "No" field = "Field" ADD = "ADD" DELETE = "DELETE" no_results = "No Results" alphanumberic_only_instruction = "Please enter alphanumeric characters only" download_file = "Download File" submit = "Submit" submitting = "Submitting..." deleted = "Deleted" added_new = "Added New" smtp_settings = "SMTP Settings" dashboard = "Dashboard" campaign = "Campaign" disposition = "Disposition" pausecodes = "Pause Codes" hotkeys = "Hot Keys" list = "List" customfields = "Custom Fields" loadleads = "Load Leads" ivr = "IVR" did = "DID" voicefiles = "Voice Files" moh = "Music On-Hold" reportsanalytics = "Reports & Analytics" recordings = "Recordings" agent = "Agent" agent_id = "Agent ID" agent_name = "Agent Name" user_id = "User ID" agent_log = "Agent Log" agent_log_desc = "Shows the Call Logs of the agent." show_agentlog_filter = "Filter" from = "From:" to = "To:" // USER WIZARD user_wizard = "User Wizard" user_wizard_desc = "A step by step wizard that allows you to create users." add_new_user = "Add New User" account_details = "Account Details" account_details_sub_header = "Basic Account and Login Details" review_and_submit = "Review & Submit" review_and_submit_sub_header = "Review Details Before Saving" default_pass_is = "Default Password" reenter_pass = "Re-enter password" confirm_password = "Confirm Password" custom = "Custom" full_name = "Full Name" add_user_success = "User Successfully Created!" add_user_failed = "An Error Occured while Creating a User!" user_has_been_saved = "User has been successfully saved. The Created User now exists." agent_logout = "Log Out this agent" cancel_agent_logout = "Cancel Emergency Log Out" agent_logout_notif = "Agent Logged Out Successfully" emergency_logout = "Emergency Logout" confirm_delete_user = "Yes, delete this user!" confirm_delete_multiple_user = "Yes, delete these users!" confirm_delete_multiple_phones = "Yes, delete these phones!" cancel_delete_user = "No, cancel please!" delete_user_success = "User Successfully Deleted!" user_has_been_deleted = "User has been successfully deleted and cannot be retrieved again." delete_user_failed = "An Error Occured while Creating a User!" dup_check_success = "User ID is available." dup_check_error = "This user ID already exists. Please choose another." phones = "Phones" phones_management = "Phones Management" num_of_seats = "Number of Seats" phone_wizard = "Phone Wizard" add_new_phone = "Add New Phone(s)" phone_wizard_desc = "A step to create phones." add_new_phone2 = "Information" add_phone_sub_header2 = "Information about the phone(s) to be created" phone_login = "Phone Extension/Login" phone_login_password = "Phone Login Password" add_phone = "Number of Phones" add_phone_sub_header = "Number of Phones to be created" starting_extension = "Starting Extension" local_gmt = "Local GMT" do_not_adjust_gmt = "Do NOT adjust for DST" add_phone_success = "Phone Successfully Created!" add_phone_failed = "An Error Occured while Creating Phone!" phone_has_been_saved = "Phone Extension has been successfully saved. The Created Phone Extension now exists." confirm_delete_phone = "Yes, delete this phone!" delete_phone_success = "Phone Successfully Deleted!" phone_has_been_deleted = "Phone has been successfully deleted and cannot be retrieved again." delete_phone_failed = "An Error Occured while Deleting Phone!" carrier_wizard = "Carrier Wizard" add_new_carrier = "Add New Carrier" choose_carrier_type = "Choose Carrier Type" choose_carrier_sub_header = "Choose what carrier type should be created" carrier_type = "Carrier Type" set_chosen_carrier = "Set Chosen Carrier" chosen_carrier_sub_header = "Set the details of your chosen carrier" carrier_id = "Carrier ID" carrier_name = "Carrier Name" carrier_description = "Carrier Description" registration_string = "Registration String" account_entry = "Account Entry" authentication = "Authentication" ip_based = "IP Based" registration = "Registration" username = "Username" server_ip_host = "Server IP/Host" Port = "Port" sip_server = "SIP Server" dial_prefix = "Dial Prefix" codecs = "Codecs" dtmf_mode = "DTMF Mode" protocol = "Protocol" global_string = "Global String" dialplan_entry = "Dialplan Entry" source_carrier = "Source Carrier" justgo_welcome = "Welcome to" justgo_title = "GoAutoDial Cloud Call Center Cloud Call Center" justgo_fillout = "Please fill out the information below:" justgo_company = "Company" postal_code = "Postal Code" time_zone = "Time Zone" mobile_phones = "Mobile Phone" terms_and_condition = "Terms and Condition" call_time_details = "Call Time Details" moh_name = "Music on Hold Name" add_carriers_success = "Carrier Successfully Created!" confirm_delete_carrier = "Yes, delete this carrier!" carrier_delete_success = "Carrier Successfully Deleted!" carrier_edit = "Carrier Edit" carrier_modify_success = "Carrier Modified Successfully" carrier_updated = "Carrier is now updated!" voice_mail_wizard = "Voice Mail Wizard" add_voice_mail = "Add New Voice Mail" create_voice_mail = "Create a Voice Mail" voicemail_sub_header = "Enter basic settings and assign to a user group" voicemail_id = "Voicemail ID" add_voicemail_success = "Voicemail Successfully Created!" confirm_delete_voicemail = "Yes, delete this voicemail!" voicemail_delete_success = "Voicemail Successfully Deleted!" edit_voice_mail = "Edit Voicemail" your_password = "Your Password" delete_voicemail_after_email = "Delete Voicemail After Email" old_message = "Old Messages" voicemail_greeting = "Voicemail Greeting" voicemail_modify_success = "Voicemail Successfully Updated!" audio_chooser = "Audio Chooser" ingroup_chooser = "In-group Chooser" callmenu_chooser = "Call Menu Chooser" -none- = "- - - NONE - - -" call_time_wizard = "Call Time Wizard " add_new_call_time = "Add New Call Time" call_time_header = "Basic Settings" call_sub_time_header = "Enter your basic call time details and assign a usergroup." call_time_id = "Call Time ID" call_time_name = "Call Time Name" call_time_comments = "Call Time Comments" voice_file_header = "Add a Voice File" voice_file_sub_header = "Apply a voice file in a specific day and the time." default = "Default" sunday = "Sunday" monday = "Monday" tuesday = "Tuesday" wednesday = "Wednesday" thursday = "Thursday" friday = "Friday" saturday = "Saturday" january = "January" february = "February" march = "March" april = "April" may = "May" june = "June" july = "July" august = "August" september = "September" october = "October" november = "November" december = "December" add_calltime_success = "Call Times Successfully Created!" confirm_delete_calltime = "Yes, delete this call time!" calltime_delete_success = "Call Time Successfully Deleted!" edit_call_times = "Edit Call Times" modify_calltime_id = "MODIFY CALL TIME ID :" stop = "Stop" after_hours = "After Hours Audio" calltime_modify_success = "Call Times Successfully Updated!" user_group = "User Group" user_groups = "User Groups" user_group_wizard = "User Group Wizard" add_user_group = "Add New User Group" user_group_header = "Create a User Group" user_group_sub_header = "Enter basic settings" group_name = "Group Name" group_level = "Group Level" add_usergroup_success = "Usergroup Successfully Created!" confirm_delete_usergroup = "Yes, delete this usergroup!" usergroup_delete_success = "Usergroup Successfully Deleted!" group_permissions = "Group Permissions" edit_user_group = "Edit User Group" modify_user_group = "MODIFY USER GROUP" force_timelock = "Force Timeclock Login" shift_enforcement = "Shift Enforcement" allowed_campaigns = "Allowed Campaigns" usergroup_modify_success = "Usergroup Successfully Updated!" server_wizard = "Server Wizard" add_server_wizard = "Add New Server" create_server_header = "Create a Server" create_server_sub_header = "Enter basic settings" server_id = "Server ID" server_description = "Server Description" server_ip = "Server IP" asterisk_version = "Asterisk Version" add_server_success = "Server Successfully Created!" server_delete_success = "Server Successfully Deleted!" confirm_delete_server = "Yes, delete this server!" edit_server = "Edit Server" modify_server_id = "MODIFY SERVER ID" max_trunks = "Max Trunks" max_call_per_second = "Max Call per Second" balance_dialing = "Balance Dialing" balance_rank = "Balance Ranking" local_gmt = "Local GMT" generate_conf_files = "Generate Conf Files" rebuild_conf_files = "Rebuild Conf Files" rebuild_moh = "Rebuild Music On Hold" server_modify_success = "Server Modified Successfully" server_updated = "Server is now Updated" recorder_web_link = "Recorded Web Link" alt_recording_server_ip = "Alt Recording Server IP" external_server_ip = "External Server IP" recording_web_link = "Recording Web Link" phone_numbers = "Phone Numbers" did_wizard = "DID Wizard" create_new_did = "Create New DID" did_details = "DID Details" did_basic_details = "Enter the basic details of your DID then assign it to a user group" did_extension = "DID Extension" did_description = "DID Description" did_route = "DID Route" route_settings = "Route Settings" fill_up_route = "Fill up details needed for the chosen route." agent_unavailable_action = "Agent Unavailable Action" ingroup_id = "In-Group ID" ingroups = "In-Groups" in_group_wizard = "In-Group Wizard" create_new_ingroup = "Create New Ingroup" group_details = "Group Details" fill_up_group_details = "Fill up group details then assign to a user group." group_id = "Group ID" interactive_voice_response = "Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Menus" phone_extension = "Phone Extension" call_menu = "Call Menu" voicemail_box = "Voicemail Box" custom_extension = "Extension" extension_content = "Extension Content" phone_numbers_did_tfn = "Phone Numbers (DIDs/TFNs)" add_phone_number_success = "Phone Number Successfully Created!" confirm_delete_phonenumber = "Yes, delete this Phone number" phonenumber_delete_success = "Phone Number Successfully Deleted!" dispostions = "Dispostions" campaign_id = "Campaign ID" campaign_name = "Campaign Name" dial_method = "Dial Method" custom_disposition = "Custom Disposition" filter_id = "Filter ID" filter_name = "Filter Name" campaign_information = "Campaign Information" notice = "Notice!" there_was_an_error_retrieving_details = "There was an error retrieving details. Either error or no result." campaign_description = "Campaign Description" allowed_inbound_blended = "Allowed Inbound and Blended" autodial_level = "AutoDial Level" answering_machine_detection = "Answering Machine Detection" wizard = "Campaign Wizard" outbound = "Outbound" inbound = "Inbound" blended = "Blended" survey = "Survey" copy_from_campaign = "Copy from Campaign" campaign_id_already_exist = "Campaign ID already exist. Eneter a new Campaign ID." campaign_details = "Campaign Details" campaign_type = "Campaign Type" did_tfn_extension = "DID/TFN Extension" call_route = "Call Route" ingroup = "Ingroup" // IVR ivr = "IVR" group_color = "Group Color" survey_type = "Survey Type" voice = "VOICE BROADCAST" survey = "SURVEY PRESS 1" carrier_use_for_campaign = "Carrier use for Campaign" custom_prefix = "Custom Prefix" number_of_channels = "Number of Channels" dial_method = "Dial Method" auto_dial = "Auto Dial Level" campaign_recordings = "Campaign Recordings" upload_wav = "Upload WAV" browse = "Browse" status_wizard = "Status Wizard" create_new_status = "Create New Status" create_disposition = "Create Disposition" assign_a_status_in_a_campaign = "Assign a status in a campaign then fill up the information below" status_name = "Status Name" selectable = "Selectable" human_answered = "Human Answered" sale = "Sale" dnc = "DNC" ni = "NI" customer_contact = "Customer Contact" not_interested = "Not Interested" unworkable = "Unworkable" scheduled_callback = "Scheduled Callback" pause_codes = "Pause Codes" del_pause_code = "Delete Pause Codes" pause_code = "Pause Code" pause_name = "Pause Code Name" billable = "Billable" pause_code = "Pause Code" close = "Close" hotkeys = "Hotkeys" hotkey = "Hotkey" status = "Status" description = "Description" //LEADS view_leads = "View Leads in the hopper for this campaign" basic_settings = "Basic Settings" statuses = "Statuses" timezones = "Timezones" form = "Form" reset_time = "Reset Time" reset_lead = "Reset Lead Called Status" agent_script = "Agent Script Override" campaign_override = "Campaign CID Override" web = "Web Form" transfer = "Transfer Conf No. Override" xferconf_a_number = "Transfer Conf A Number" xferconf_b_number = "Transfer Conf B Number" xferconf_c_number = "Transfer Conf C Number" xferconf_d_number = "Transfer Conf D Number" xferconf_e_number = "Transfer Conf E Number" called = "Called" not_called = "Not Called" local_time = "GMT OFF SET NOW (local time)" order = "Order" priority = "Priority" lead_id = "Lead ID" phone_number = "Phone Number" count = "Count" gmt = "GMT" alt = "AL" source = "Source" loading = "Loading..." append = "APPEND" update = "Update" UPDATE = "UPDATE" updating = "Updating..." replace = "REPLACE" copy = "Copy" searching = "Searching..." search = "Search" upload = "Upload" uploading = "Uploading..." total_leads_upload = "Total Uploaded Leads" SUB_TOTAL = "SUB-TOTAL" TOTAL = "TOTAL" modify_user = "MODIFY USER" advance_settings = "Advance Settings" user_level = "User Level" voicemail = "Voicemail" agent_recordings = "Agent Recordings" agent_transfers = "Agent Transfers" closer_default_blended = "Closer Default Blended" agent_call_manual = "Agent Call Manual" scheduled_callbacks = "Scheduled Callbacks" agent_only_callbacks = "Agent-Only Callbacks" agent_choose_ingroup = "Agent Choose Ingroup" user_update_success = "User Successfully Updated!" phone_update_success = "Phone Successfully Updated!" // LISTS + DNC - telephonylist.php, edittelephonylist.php list = "List" lists = "Lists" list_id = "List ID" upload_import = "Upload/Import Leads" duplicate_check = "Duplicate Check" csv_file = "CSV File" no_duplicate_check = "NO DUPLICATE CHECK" check_phones_in_list_id = "CHECK PHONES IN LIST ID" check_phones_in_campaign-lists = "CHECK PHONES IN CAMPAIGN-LISTS" delete_multiple_list = "Delete Multiple List" list_wizard = "List izard" add_list = "Add New List" list_info = "List Information" list_details = "List Details" auto_generated = "Auto-generated" leads_count = "Leads Count" list_name = "List Name" list_description = "List Description" drop_inbound_group_override = "Drop Inbound Group Override" copy_custom_wizard = "Copy Custom Fields Wizard" copy_from_list_id = "List ID to copy Fields from" copy_to_list_id = "Copy fields to another list" copy_option = "Copy Option" edit_list = "Edit list" modify_list_id = "MODIFY LIST ID" list_update_success = "List Successfully Updated!" yes_copy_custom_fields = "Yes, Copy Custom Fields" confirm_list_delete = "Yes, delete this list" add_list_success = "List Successfully Created !" delete_list_success = "List has been successfully deleted" delete_list_success_msg = "List has been deleted and can no longer be retrieved." confirm_custom_fields = "Yes, Copy Custom Fields" custom_fields_copied = "Custom Fields Successfully Copied" csv_upload_complete = "CSV file upload complete." data_processing = "Data Now Processing. Please Wait. DO NOT refresh the page." data_processing_complete = "Data Processing Complete !" dnc = "DNC" search_phone = "Search Phone Number" add_delete_dnc = "Add/Delete DNC" internal_dnc = "INTERNAL DNC LIST" search_filter_dnc = "Search for a Phone Number in the Filter DNC" filter_dnc = "Filter DNC" limit25_per_submit = "(one phone number per line, limit of 25 lines per submit.)" dnc_already_exist = "All entered DNC Number/s Already Exist..." dnc_do_not_exist = "DNC Number/s Do Not Exist..." dnc_incomplete = "You're not done yet!" dnc_incomplete_msg = "Please input a phone number on the textbox." add_dnc = "Successfully Added DNC!" delete_dnc = "Successfully Deleted DNC! " // SCRIPTS - telephonyscripts.php, edittelephonyscript.php scripts = "Scripts" scripts_management = "Scripts Management" success_updated = "Script has been successfully updated" script_wizard = "Script Wizard" script_wizard_description = "A step by step wizard that allows you to create scripts." new_script = "Add New Script" script_details = "Script Details" fill_form = "Fill in the needed details in the form" script_id = "Script ID" script_name = "Script Name" script_comment = "Script Comments" script_text = "Script Text" insert = "Insert!" script_text_insert_description = "Add a Preset Text to the Script Text" add_script_success = "Script Successfully Created !" add_script_success_msg = "Script has been successfully added. Clicking OK will reload the page" confirm_delete_script = "Yes, delete this script" delete_script_success = "Script Successfully Deleted" delete_script_success_msg = "Script has been deleted and can no longer be retrieved. Clicking OK will reload the page" edit_script = "Edit Script" modify_script = "MODIFY SCRIPT ID" edit_script_success = "Script Successfully Updated!" edit_script_success_msg = "Script is now updated. Clicking OK will redirect you to the script page" // INBOUND - telephonyinbound.php, edittelephonyinbound.php inbound = "Inbound" inbound_management = "Inbound Management" other_settings = "Other Settings" settings_for_created_group = "Settings for the created group" random = "Random" fronter_display = "Fronter Display" script = "Script" call_menu_wizard = "Call Menu Wizard" create_new_call_menu = "Create New Call Menu" call_menu_details = "Call Menu Details" enter_call_menu_details = "Enter Call Menu Details" menu_id = "Menu ID" menu_name = "Menu Name" menu_greeting = "Menu Greeting" menu_timeout = "Menu Timeout" timeout_greeting = "Timeout Greeting" invalid_greeting = "Invalid Greeting" menu_repeat = "Menu Repeat" menu_time_check = "Menu Time Check" call_time = "Call Time" track_call_realtime_report = "Track Call in Realtime Report" tracking_group = "Tracking Group" call_menu_entry = "Call Menu Entry" set_default_call_menu_entry = "Set Default Call Menu Entry" add_new_call_options = "Add New Call Options" option = "Option" call_menu_ivr = "Call Menu / IVR" hangup = "Hangup" custom_extensions = "Custom Extension" phone = "Phone" handle_method = "Handle Method" phone_code = "Phone Code" search_method = "Search Method" vid_digits = "VID Digits" vid_enter_filename = "VID Enter Filename" vid_id_number_filename = "VID ID Number Filename" vid_confirm_filename = "VID Confirm Filename" extension = "Extension" context = "Context" agi = "AGI" timeout = "Timeout" edit = "Edit" modify_ingroup = "MODIFY IN-GROUP" agents = "Agents" queue_priority = "Queue Priority" drop_call_seconds = "Drop Call Seconds" drop_action = "Drop Action" no_voicemail_available = "No Voicemail Available" welcome_message_filename = "Welcome Message Filename" play_welcome_message = "Play Welcome Message" music_on_hold_context = "Music On Hold Context" on_hold_prompt_filename = "On Hold Prompt Filename" after_hours_action = "After Hours Action" after_hours_message_filename = "After Hours Message Filename" after_hours_extension = "After Hours Extension" after_hours_voicemail = "After Hours Voicemail" after_hours_callmenu = "After Hours Callmenu" accept_calls_when_no_available_agent = "Accept Calls when there are No Available Agents?" no_available_agent_routing = "No Available Agent Routing" selected = "Selected" rank = "rank" grade = "Grade" modify_ivr = "MODIFY IVR" menu_timeout_greeting = "Menu Timeout Greeting" menu_invalid_greeting = "MenU Invalid Greeting" modify_did_record = "MODIFY DID RECORD" did_number = "DID Number" agent_route_settings = "Agent Route Settings" extension_context = "Extension Context" clean_cid_number = "Clean CID Number" inbound_update_success = "Inbound has been successfully updated." agent_rank_update_success = "Agent Rank for this inbound successfully updated!" ivr_update_success = "IVR has been successfully updated!" did_update_success = "DID has been successfully updated!" drop_exten = "Drop Exten" drop_transfer_group = "Drop Transfer Group" drop_call_menu = "Drop Call Menu" add_ingroup_success = "Ingroup Success Created!" confirm_delete_inbound = "Yes, delete this inbound!" inbound_delete_success = "Inbound Successfully Deleted!" add_ivr_success = "IVR Successfully Created" confirm_delete_ivr = "Yes, delete this IVR!" ivr_delete_success = "IVR Successfully Delete!" time = "Time" route = "Route" // AUDIOFILES audio_file = "Audio File" voicefiles = "Voicefiles" voice_playback = "Voice Files Playback" upload_voice_file = "Upload Voice Files" file_upload_failed = "Error: File Failed To Upload. Please Try Again." file_already_exists = "Error: File Name Already Exists. Please Try Another." size = "Size" call_rec = "Call Recording Playback" success_deleted = "Hotkey Successfully Deleted" modify_list = "Yes, modify list" success_modified = "List Successfully Modified" create_hotkey = "Yes, create hotkey!" success_create = "Hotkey Successfully Created" pause_code_update = "Yes, update pause code" pause_code_create = "Yes, create pause code" pause_code_create_question = "Create Pause Code?" pause_success = "Pause Code Successfully Updated" saving_campaign = "Proceed with saving campaign" save_campaign = "Yes, save Campaign" save_not = "Campaign not saved" delete_campaign = "Yes, delete this campaign" delete_multiple_campaign = "Yes, delete these campaigns" campaign_deleted = "Campaign Successfully Deleted" success_statuses = "Disposition Statuses Successfully Created" dispostion = "Yes, delete this disposition" disposition_delete = "Disposition Successfully Deleted" leadfilter = "Yes, delete this leadfilter" filter_success = "Lead Filter Successfully Deleted !" campaign_success = "Campaign Successfully Created !" // DASHBOARD agents_on_call = "Agent(s) On Call" agents_waiting = "Agent(s) Waiting" agents_on_pause = "Agent(s) On Paused" calls_per_hour = "Calls Per Hour" realtime_calls_monitor = "Realtime Calls Monitoring" ringing_calls = "Ringing Calls" incoming_calls = "Incoming Calls" answered_calls = "Answered Calls" inbound_calls_today = "Inbound Calls Today" outbound_calls_today = "Outbound Calls Today" cluster_status = "Cluster Status" load = "Load" channels = "Channels" disk = "Disk" date_and_time = "Date and Time" dropped_calls_percentage = "Dropped Calls Percentage" dropped_calls = "Dropped Calls" campaign_leads_resources = "Campaign Leads Resources" view_more = "View more" view = "View" agent_monitoring_summary = "Agent Monitoring Summary" realtime_agents_monitoring = "Realtime Agents Monitoring" agent_name = "Agent Name" mm:ss = "MM:SS" // CAMPAIGN - telephonycampaign.php - edittelephonycampaign.php campaign = "Campaign" realtime_calls_monitoring = "Realtime Calls Monitoring" call_type = "Call Type" campaigns_monitoring = "Campaigns Monitoring" leads_on_hopper = "Leads on Hopper" service_level_agreement_monitoring = "Service Level Agreement Monitoring" calls_today = "Calls Today" answered_calls = "Answered Calls" ans_calls_less_20s = "Ans Calls Less 20s" abandon = "Abandon" sla = "SLA" aht = "AHT" more_about = "More about" more_about_campaign_id= "More about campaign ID" logged_into = "Logged-in to" cust_phone = "Cust Phone" barge = "Barge" listen = "Listen" campaign_details = "Campaign Details" campaign_cid = "Campaign CID" calling_hours = "Calling Hours" edit_events = "Edit Events" alt_number_dialing = "Manual ALT Number Dialing" filters = "Filters" add_filters = "Add Filters" filter_disposition = "Disposition" filter_list_id = "List ID" filter_address = "Address" filter_city = "City" filter_state = "State" crm_disposition = "Dispotition:" start_date = "Start Date" end_date = "End Date" confirm_delete_contact = "Yes, delete this contact!" contact_delete_success = "Contact Successfully Deleted!" type = "Filter Type" stats = "Statistical Report" agent_detail = "Agent Time Detail" agent_pdetail = "Agent Performance Detail" dispo = "Dial Statuses Summary" sales_agent = "Sales Per Agent" sales_tracker = "Sales Tracker" inbound_call_report = "Inbound Call Report" export_call_report = "Export Call Report" request = "Request" daily = "Daily" weekly = "Weekly" monthly = "Monthly" contact_information = "Contact Information" comments = "Comments" first_name = "First Name" middle_name = "Middle Name" middle_initial = "Middle Initial" last_name = "Last Name" alternative_phone_number = "Alternative Phone Number" address2 = "Address 2" email_add = "E-mail Address" title = "Title" date_of_birth = "Date of Birth" convert_to_customer = "Convert to Customer" edit_information = "Edit Information" country_code = "Country Code" contact_update_success = "Contact Successfully Updated!" incomplete = "Incomplete!" select_an_agent = "- - - SELECT AN AGENT - - -" call_recording_playback = "Call Recording Playback" download = "Download" view_details = "View Details" view_pause_codes = "View Pause Codes" view_hotkeys = "View Hotkeys" view_lists = "View Lists" copy_list_custom_fields = "Copy List Custom Fields" download_list = "Download List" play_voice_file = "Play Voice File" contact_details = "Contact Details" default_start = "Default Start" default_stop = "Default Stop" type = "Type" force_timeclock = "Force Timeclock" trunks = "Trunks" server_name = "Server Name" asterisk = "Asterisk" //MUSIC ON HOLD moh_details = "Music On Hold Details" random_order = "Random Order" moh_wizard_title = "Music On Hold Wizard" moh_wizard_subtitle = "Add New Music On Hold" moh_sub_header = "Music On-Hold details and assign to a user group." moh_id = "Music On Hold ID:" voice_files_playback = "Voice Files Playback" voice_file_wizard_header = "Upload a Voice File" voice_file_wizard_sub_header = "Browse for the file and click on Submit." add_moh_success = "Music On Hold Successfully Created!" moh_update_success = "Music On Hold Successfully Updated!" confirm_delete_moh = "Yes, delete this moh!" moh_delete_success = "Music On Hold Successfully Deleted!" upload_voicefile_success = "Voice File Successfully Uploaded!" reply = "Reply" forward = "Forward" print = "Print" // FILTERS - telephonyfilters.php filters = "Filters" edit_filter = "Edit Filter" modify_filter = "MODIFY FILTER ID" edit_filter_success = "Filter Successfully Updated!" edit_filter_success_msg = "Filter is now updated. Clicking OK will redirect you to the filter page" filters_management = "Filters Management" filter_wizard = "Filter Wizard" filter_wizard_description = "A step by step wizard that allows you to create filters." new_filter = "Add New Filter" filter_details = "Filter Details" filter_id = "Filter ID" filter_name = "Filter Name" filter_comments = "Filter Comments" filter_sql = "Filter SQL" add_filter_success = "Filter Successfully Created !" add_filter_success_msg = "Filter has been successfully added. Clicking OK will reload the page" confirm_delete_filter = "Yes, delete this filter" delete_filter_success = "Filter Successfully Deleted" delete_filter_success_msg = "Filter has been deleted and can no longer be retrieved. Clicking OK will reload the page" // SMTP Settings - settingssmtp.php host = "Host" smtp_host_info = "Set the hostname of the mail server." port = "Port" smtp_port_info = "Set the SMTP port number - 587 for authenticated TLS, a.k.a. RFC4409 SMTP submission." ipv6_support = "IPv6 Support" ipv6_support_info ="Mark checked if your network supports SMTP over IPv6." debug = "Debugger" debug_info = "SMTP Debugger." smtp_security = "SMTP Security" smtp_security_info = "Set the encryption system to use - ssl (deprecated) or tls." smtp_auth = "SMTP Authentication" smtp_auth_info = "Whether to use SMTP authentication." smtp_modify_success = "SMTP Setting Modified Successfully" // CAMPAIGN - telephonycampaign.php, edittelephonycampaign.php modify_campaign_id = "MODIFY CAMPAIGN ID" manual_dial_list_id = "MANUAL DIAL LIST ID" advanced_settings = "Advanced Settings" carrier_to_use_for_campaign = "Carrier to use for Campaign" campaign_caller_id = "Campaign Caller ID" Campaign Recording = "Campaign Recording" answer_machine_detection = "Answer Machine Detection" local_calltime= "Local Calltime" minimum_hopper_level = "Minimum Hopper Level" force_reset_of_hopper = "Force Reset of Hopper" phone_numbers_did/ftn_on_this_campaign = "Phone Numbers (DID/TFN) on this campaign" number_of_channels = "Number of Channels" allowed_inbound_and_blended = "Allowed Inbound and Blended" launch_custom_fields = "Launch Custom Fields" custom_fields_list_id = "Custom Fields List ID" call_notes_per_call = "Call Notes Per Call" dial_status = "Dial Status" list_order = "List Order" lead_filter = "Lead Filter" dial_timeout = "Dial Timeout" manual_dial_prefix = "Manual Dial Prefix" manual_dial_min_digits = "Manual Dial Minimum Digits" get_call_launch = "Get Call Launch" answering_machine_message = "Answering Machine Message" amd_send_to_action = "AMD send to Action" waitforsilence_options = "WaitForSilence Options" pause_codes = "Pause Codes" manual_dial_filter = "Manual Dial Filter" manual_dial_search_filter = "Manual Dial Search Filter" use_internal_dnc = "Use Internal DNC" use_campaign_dnc = "Use Campaign DNC" manual_dial_list_id = "Manual Dial List ID" available_only_tally = "Available Only Tally" campaing_recording_filename = "Campaign Recording Filename" next_agent_call = "Next Agent Call" active_dial_status = "Active Dial Status" reset_leads_hopper = "Reset Leads on Hopper" force_reset_of_hopper = "Force Reset of Hopper" minimum_hopper_level = "Minimum Hopper Level" survey_method = "Survey Method" autodial_method = "Autodial Method" survey_dtmf_digits = "Survey DTMF Digits" survey_not_interested_digit = "Survey Not interested digit" survey_not_interested_audio_file = "Survey Not interested audio file" survey_not_interested_status = "Survey Not interested status" survey_third_digit = "Survey Third digit" survey_third_audio_file = "Survey Third Audio File" survey_third_status = "Survey Third Status" survey_third_extension = "Survey Third Extension" survey_fourth_digit = "Survey Fourth Digit" survey_fourth_audio_file = "Survey Fourth Audio File" survey_fourth_status = "Survey Fourth Status" survey_fourth_extension = "Survey Fourth Extension" agent_lead_search = "Agent Lead Search" agent_lead_search_method = "Agent Lead Search Method" inbound_groups = "Inbound Groups" allowed_transfer_groups = "Allowed transfer groups" survey_call_menu = "Survey call menu" carrier_first_name = "First name" carrier_last_name = "Last name" campaign_recording_filename = "Campaign Recording Filename" last_call_date = "Last Call Date" ratio = "RATIO" adapt_tepered = "Adapt Tepered" inbound_man = "Inbound Man" additional_information = "Additional Information" assign_then_enter_account = "Assign then Enter Account and Login Details" total_leads_uploaded = "Total Leads Uploaded" status_mandatory = "Status " status_name = "Status Name " status = "Status" status_name = "Status name" status_capital = "Status name" selectable = "Selectable" human_answered = "Human Answered" dnc = "DNC" sale = "Sale" ni = "NI" customer_contact = "Customer Contact" not_interested = "Not Interested" unworkable = "Unworkable" scheduled_callback = "Scheduled Callback" action = "Action" file_name = "File Name" group = "Group" all_usergroups = "ALL USERGROUPS" all_agents = "ALL AGENTS" all_campaigns = "ALL CAMPAIGNS" music_onhold_id = "Music On Hold ID" music_onhold_name = "Music On Hold Name" choose_a_file = "Choose a file" compose_message = "Compose Message" default_value = "Default Value" callmenu_default = "CALLMENU - Default" timecheck = "TIMECHECK" timeout = "TIMEOUT" invalid = "INVALID" found_for_this_campaign = " found for this campaign " sending = "Sending. Please Wait..." check_customer_or_contacts = "Please check either Customer or Contacts checkbox
before clicking the Search button." lb_load_balance = "LB - Load Balance" lo_load_balance_overflow = "L0 - Load Balance Overflow" server_only = "Server Only" message_sent = "Message Sent !" message_sent_msg = "You have successfully sent your email." no_email_account = "Message Sent to System Account !" no_email_account_msg = "No email accounts was defined for the user, but message was sent to the user's system account." message_error = "Mailer Error: " system_error = "System Error" in_group = "In-group" no_available_call_menus = "No Available Call Menus" copyright = "Copyright" all_rights_reserved = "All rights reserved" search_crm = "Search Phone Number, First or Last Name" no_realtime_tracking = " No Realtime Tracking" realtime_tracking = "Realtime Tracking" log = "Log" interactive_voice_record = "Interactive Voice Record" did_phone_number = "DID/Phone Number" smtp_settings_desc = "A module for SMTP Sending Integration" lead_calls = "Calls to this Lead" lead_closer_records = "Closer records for this Lead" lead_agent_log = "Agent Log Records for this Lead" lead_recordings = "Recordings for this Lead" call_date = "Date / Time" length_in_sec = "Length" term_reason = "Hangup Reason" queue_seconds = "Wait" event_time = "Date / Time" agent_log_id = "TSR" pause_sec = "Pause" wait_sec = "Wait" talk_sec = "Talk" dispo_sec = "Dispo" sub_status = "Sub" start_time = "Date / Time" seconds = "Seconds" recording_id = "Record ID" filename = "Filename" location = "Location" TSR = "TSR" ratio = "RATIO" manual = "MANUAL" adapt_tapered = "ADAPT_TAPERED" inbound_man = "INBOUND_MAN" dynamic_cid = "Dynamic Caller ID" omit_phone_code = "Omit Phone Code" agent_lead_search_override = "Agent Lead Search Override" nextdial_seconds = "Next Dial Seconds" enable_callback_alert = "Enable Callback Alert" cb_noexpire = "Callbacks Don't Expire" cb_sendemail = "Send Email to Agents on Callbacks" google_api_key = "Google API Key" google_sheet_id = "Google Sheet ID" google_sheet_list_id = "Google Sheet List ID" enter_google_sheet_id = "Enter Google Sheet ID" campaign_google_sheet_ids_successfully_updated = "Campaign Google Sheet IDs Successfully Updated" you_have_not_entered_an_id = "You have not entered an ID" you_have_entered_an_invalid_id = "You have entered an invalid ID" slave_db_ip = "Slave DB IP" park_call = "Park Call" grab_park_call = "Grab Park Call" transfer_call = "Transfer Call" ivr_park_call = "IVR Park Call" grab_ivr_park_call = "Grab IVR Park Call" requeue_call = "Re-Queue Call" enter_first_name = "Enter First Name" enter_middle_initial = "Enter Middle Initial" enter_last_name = "Enter Last Name" lead_mapping = "Lead Mapping" check_phones_in_system = "CHECK DUPLICATES IN ENTIRE SYSTEM"